Well, we did a small amount of tourist stuff and a huge amount of going to "coffee shops". The second day we went to the Anne Frank house, which was very sad--so a coffee shop visit was necessary after that. The third day we were in Amsterdam, we went on a canal tour...of which I remember very little. Must have not been that fun.
I took so many pictures in Amsterdam. It really is a beautiful a city, the best tourist attraction here is just to smoke a little bit then explore on foot. There's so many little alleyways and narrow streets waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately, Amsterdam is very dirty, literally and figuratively-the streets seemed to be filled with trash after the weekend. Also, walking around in dangerous if you don't watch where you're going there's people on bicycles and motorbikes whizzing around everywhere. There was actually one point where Zach and I were accidentally walked along the bike path instead of the walking path whilst crossing a busy road-very bad idea! FYI there's 2+ car lanes, 2+ tram lanes, 2+ bike lanes to cross on foot when crossing a road--and nobody wears a helmet-there must be some spectacular wrecks there. The Dutch are fucking crazy.
The Red Light District was interesting...we didn't do much there besides visit some coffee shops as they are most plentiful there. We were going to try and go to a sex show, but we chickened out both times out of fear of nasty performers. Thankfully there was coffee shops pretty much everywhere in the city-except for the more residential area (anne frank house region). Our favorite was actually about 20 steps from our hotel. Coffee shops seem to range from VERY dive like to almost small club like atmosphere, complete with trance/techno crap music--Zach was happy.
Well we arrived in Bruges, Belgium with hurting lungs and a desire for calm.